CSC Cloud — Using CSC Cloud

Deploying Applications on VMs

1. Install Docker CE & run RStudio server in Docker Container

Pre-requisites, a VM like the one create in Creating and Configuring VMs

In this exercise we will run some commands to run RStudio in docker and check the results.

  1. Install Docker CE on your VM

     sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
     sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
     sudo yum install docker-ce
  2. Enable and Start Docker CE on your VM

     sudo systemctl enable --now docker
  3. Test if Docker CE was successfully started on your VM

     sudo docker run hello-world
  4. Run Rstudio docker container

     sudo docker container run --rm -p 80:8787 -d -v ${PWD}:/home/rstudio -w /home/rstudio dceoy/rstudio-server

    Alternative image location:

  5. Access Rstudio server
    • Use http://VM-IP (remember to open the TCP port 80 (HTTP) in the VM using Security Groups).
    • Login in the Rstudio server with user: rstudio, and password: rstudio.
    • You should see a page like this:


  6. Stop Rstudio server

     sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -q)

2. Install RStudio Server

Pre-requisites, a VM like the one create in Creating and Configuring VMs

In this exercise we will run some commands to build RStudio and check the results.

  1. Update the VM

     sudo yum update
  2. Download Rstudio rpm installation package

  3. Install rstudio

     sudo yum localinstall rstudio-server-rhel-1.1.456-x86_64.rpm -y
     sudo yum install R -y
     sudo rstudio-server verify-installation
  4. Add a new user account to your system

     sudo useradd rstudio
     sudo passwd rstudio
    • The second command will ask you for a new password. This is the same password you will use to login in Rstudio.
  5. Access Rstudio server

    • Use http://VM-IP:8787 (remember to open port 8787 in the VM using Security Groups).
    • Login in the Rstudio server with user: rstudio, and the password you provided in the previous step.

3. Installing software with Conda

Pre-requisites, a VM like the one create in Creating and Configuring VMs

  1. Install bzip2 compression tool

     sudo yum update
     sudo yum install bzip2
  2. Download and install Conda into the VM

     source .bashrc
  3. Add the software channels

     conda config --add channels defaults
     conda config --add channels conda-forge
     conda config --add channels bioconda
  4. Use Conda to install software

     conda install bwa
  5. Browse the packages available in the Bioconda repository
  6. Create a new environment

     conda create -n bwa_env bwa
     conda info --envs
     source activate my_env

4. Installing MySQL server in an Ubuntu VM

In this exercise we will install a MySQL server. In the HPC world is common to need a database to coordinate the analysis and store the results.

  1. Launch a Virtual machine

    • Launch a virtual machine using the most recent Ubuntu image available (Ubuntu 22.04). You may use the same instructions as in Creating and Configuring VMs, but selecting the “Ubuntu” image instead of “Centos”.
  2. Install the database

     sudo apt update
     sudo apt install mysql-server mysql-client -y
  3. Configure MySQL users

     sudo mysql_secure_installation
     sudo mysql -e "CREATE USER 'dbuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED  WITH mysql_native_password BY 'fakePassword12345';"
  4. Open MySQL to the internet

    • Use a security group to open the port (3306)

    • In /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf, change the line bind-address = into bind-address = This makes MySQL to listen to any IP and not only the localhost ( Then restart the MySQL Service.

    • When connecting, MySQL will ask for the password that was created earlier.

     mysql -u dbuser -p -h **virtual-ip**
    • Remember to remove the Virtual machine afterwards.